When Do You Know it’s Time to Use a Walking Cane

Do you have a disability that prevents you from walking without assistance? Have you been diagnosed with arthritis, osteoporosis, or other joint pain and stiffness? If so, it is time for a walking cane. But how do you know when to invest in one of these helpful devices? We are going to answer some common questions and provide valuable tips about when to use a cane.

Signs it is Time to Use a Walking Cane

  • Do you have pain or stiffness in your hips, knees, and other joints?
  • Are you tired of falling every time the weather changes from dry to wet streets because your feet slip out from under you?
  • If so, it is likely a good idea for those with mobility issues.

Doctor’s conclusion

The first thing to do is visit your doctor to get a professional opinion. Your walking cane will depend on the severity of any injury you may have or whether you are at risk for other conditions that might impede mobility, such as arthritis and neurological problems. For example, if the pain persists in both knees when standing up from sitting, it is likely time to invest in some support.

If you experience discomfort while walking alone – think about how long it takes for this sensation to subside after taking a break – then getting an assistive device like a cane could be helpful. If there’s no associated pain with walking but excessive fatigue sets in, which leads to muscle weakness because of lack of blood flow, this person should consider investing in one too!

If the doctor decides that a walking cane is necessary, they may help you with ordering one.


Disability is another sign that you have a cane. If you have difficulty walking or get tired quickly, this is a good sign that your body might not be equipped to handle the extra weight of carrying yourself around.

Sometimes, disability can happen without much warning, and it’s crucial to be proactive in getting treatment so as not to worsen an already bad situation! Some people are born with physical disabilities, while others develop them later, like injury, stroke, or high blood pressure. The common theme here is that all these conditions will eventually lead someone to need some form of assistance when navigating their environment, such as a cane.

Trauma, damage

If you have trauma or damage to a part of your body and it’s been less than six months since the incident, then there is no need for an assistive device. This goes for any surgical procedure as well!

Some people are in denial about needing one because they think using one will lessen them – this couldn’t be more untrue! If anything, getting a cane could help someone regain some confidence by providing stability when walking alone. It can also alleviate the fear of falling downstairs or curbs due to its balance tool. Lastly, if someone has limited mobility, such as arthritis, which affects their hands, feet, or knees, these devices can provide support while going up and downstairs.

Factors to consider when choosing a cane

When choosing a toast, many factors are needed to determine the best one for you.

The first is performance – how long does it take to get used to using a cane? How well can they stand up on their own with this device in hand? Will the height be an appropriate fit, or should someone consider getting a walking stick instead? For example, if you’re taller than average, there might not be enough length available in standard models, so that an adjustable-height model will help. If your feet are sore and swollen from standing all day, rubberized tips will provide extra support while going about daily routines like walking around town!

Next is weight:

Some people want something light, but others prefer something more substantial, made of wood or aluminum, which provides better stability when walking over uneven terrain such as cobblestone streets.


Many people don’t realize how important choosing the right cane is until they buy one and then realize that it’s not as easy to find a pair of pants or shoes that will match their accessory. This is why picking something neutral like black can be beneficial because there are more options in terms of clothing colors to choose from when dressing for any occasion!

Cane material:

This is a personal choice for most people. Some prefer aluminum because it’s lightweight and durable, while others like the weight of wood cane handle better, or they want to be environmentally friendly so that bamboo might suit their needs more.


 If this device is used by someone who has arthritis in their hands or feet, then make sure that there are finger grips on one end and rubberized tips on another side! This way, every time you take a step forward with your cane, the grip won’t rotate around, which can cause loss of balance and fatigue from overuse.

Choosing Type and Fit for Your Cane

Which walking sticks are suitable for people with different disabilities?

There’s no right or wrong answer to this question! For example:

  • For someone with arthritis, can with finger grips is perfect because it provides stability and reduces the risk of falling due to instability.
  • A person who has multiple sclerosis might need something that gives them extra support so that an aluminum handle would be more appropriate.
  • If you have difficulty walking long distances or standing for a prolonged time, then an adjustable cane is perfect as it allows individuals to find what height works best for them!
  • A person with Parkinson’s Disease should look for a lightweight cane and has rubberized tips to prevent the loss of balance or fatigue.
  • For someone who needs improved stability, longer handles might be more appropriate because they provide extra length, which provides better leverage when walking upstairs or on uneven terrain.
  • A good rule of thumb would be to find something lightweight if you’re going to use it while traveling to save room inside your suitcase! Try not packing anything heavy as this can increase pain by adding pressure from their bodyweight onto joints like knees, hips, and feet.

Many factors must be considered when deciding on which cane to purchase, and each disability requires something different. That being said, there isn’t just one answer: manufacturers will often say their product is “ideal” for people with disabilities, but in reality, these devices should enable anyone who uses them to live more independently.

Characteristics of the best canes

The best canes have the following characteristics:

  • Flexible: this enables you to adjust the angle depending on your needs, and it can bend or flex as needed without breaking.
  • Durable: high-quality wood is a popular choice because it doesn’t splinter, break or chip as bamboo does! It’s also strong enough that people with Parkinson’s Disease don’t have to worry about them bending in their hands while they use them, which could lead to falls and injuries. Wooden handles are often preferred because of these benefits, but aluminum is lighter if someone travels for extended periods.
  • Cane tips must provide traction, so rubberized foot grips offer a lot more stability when walking over uneven terrain such as cobblestone streets or stepping onto a curb.
  • It’s also important that the cane is adjustable because this allows people to find what height works best for them! Some prefer aluminum handles, while others like wood or bamboo, depending on their budget and environmental preferences.
  • Contoured grips are helpful, too, as they can reduce any stress on your hands, wrists, or arms when you’re using them, which reduces painful symptoms such as arthritis in the joints of the fingers.
  • A good walking stick should be lightweight so that users won’t feel weighed down even if they have difficulty lifting heavy objects due to injury, illness, or disability. It should be durable yet flexible enough not to break easily, so bending at an angle will offer more stability than bending but providing some support.
  • The knob or handle should be large enough so that grip isn’t too tight and it’s easy to grasp but not too loose where they can come off when using them for stability on uneven terrain!

Benefits of Using a Cane

  • Improved stability: Cane usage prevents you from putting your entire weight on one leg while the other is off balance or in use.
  • Reduced fatigue: Better mobility means that users can walk longer distances without feeling tired, and it reduces their risk of injury due to falls!
  • Enhanced confidence: If someone feels less confident, using a cane will give them back some independence which they might have lost because of an illness or disability. It also helps with self-esteem by providing greater peace of mind and security when walking around unfamiliar places, such as exploring a new city!
  • Peace of mind: A person who uses a cane has more control over where they are going versus someone who relies only on their feet. This makes it easier for them to avoid obstacles on the ground or in their path, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Increased independence: Ideally, using a cane will enable you to do more things independently without assistance which is helpful while traveling so they can easily navigate around crowded places like airports with less difficulty! It also helps reduce feelings of dependency as the person who uses one gains greater confidence and security when walking outside alone or navigating new areas by themselves.

Canes Help with Balance and Provide Support

A cane provides support as you walk, and it can prevent falls in many cases. Walking is more challenging without a walking stick or cane because there’s less stability when your weight is all on one leg for balance.

Walking at an angle of 45 degrees reduces the risk of falling to 50%, while people who walk straight ahead have up to 80-90% chance! This makes sense if you think about how it works; with a sharp turn, each foot has equal traction, so any uneven terrain will be easier to overcome, but going forward means that someone might lose their footing since both feet are off-balance which causes them to wobble or fall.

Using a cane properly by holding onto the handle near the top with two hands reduces their risk of injury because they can hold the cane in front to provide stability and support.

5 Tips on How to Use a Walking Cane or Stick Correctly

  • 1. Hold the handle with the thumbs near the top
  • 2. Grasp cane or stick with fingers on one side and thumb on the other. Don’t grip tightly, as this can lead to hand pain, cramping of muscles in your arm and wrist!
  • 3. Use middle finger for support if using a single-handed cane or stick while walking upstairs. This reduces strain by balancing weight between joints instead of only putting it all on one joint, like when you use both hands to walk UP steps!
  • 4. If needed, hold onto the railing simultaneously so that you don’t have to rely solely on lower body strength for balance which is tiring over time. Keep in mind that some people may need more help than others depending on their specific abilities, such as balance and coordination challenges.
  • 5. At the end of a walking session, take off your cane or stick to help prevent any injury from occurring before you start on another walk! It is also better for those who are only using one hand during their exercise routine because it doesn’t mean that they’re going to put all their weight onto just one side, which could cause them to harm over time.

Common Mistakes Made When Using a Cane

Top 5 most common mistakes when using a cane:

  • 1. People forget to switch hands when they’re walking upstairs
  • 2. People grasp cane or stick too tightly, which can lead to hand pain, cramping of muscles in your arm and wrist. This happens because someone is using a single-handed cane while going UP the steps, so their weight will be supported by just one joint instead of two like it would if they were holding onto both rails with each hand.
  • 3. Some people do not hold on tight enough as they walk around an area such as at airports/malls, for example, where many obstacles could cause them harm if they don’t know what’s coming next! It also helps reduce feelings of dependency and encourages independence from others.
  • 4. As you get closer to finishing your walking session, don’t forget to remove a cane or stick! If you keep it on for too long, your hands might get tired and sore.
  • 5. People use short-handled walking cane when they don’t need one, leading them to lose their balance more quickly. This happens because the person will be holding onto just part of the shaft instead of gripping up near the handle, making it harder to maintain stability during movement in different directions.
Does Insurance Pay for a Cane?

Insurance will not cover the cost of a walking cane for most people who use them. This is because it’s considered a medical device, not an assistive or rehabilitative item like many other items that are covered by insurance, such as walkers and wheelchairs. There may be exceptions to this rule if someone has specific needs, in which case they could file with their health care provider after doing some research on coverage options available for those services!

If I'm 70 and it's not hard for me to walk, do I need a cane?

No, you do not need a cane unless your doctor has told you that it is necessary for some reason. Suppose someone continues to have outstanding balance and coordination at 70 years old or older. In that case, they may be able to walk without the use of one so long as their weight distribution is evenly distributed over time to protect themselves from injury!

MRI Scans Show That Walking With Cane Reduces Weight-Bearing Pressure on Hip Joints by 42% Compared To Without A Cane!

Is it possible to walk with a cane with weak hands?

Yes, it is possible to use a cane when you have weak hands. You can hold onto the shaft of the walking stick with your hand and make sure that this grip is firm enough for your needs to not cause yourself harm in any way!


Walking canes are a vital tool for many people, but not everyone realizes when to start using one. This blog post will help you understand why a cane is necessary and how to choose the right walking cane for your needs. Have you been considering getting a cane? Do you know what kind of symptoms would indicate needing one? To learn more about this topic, read our article today! We have all kinds of tips and tricks on choosing the perfect walking cane, so don’t miss out!