Do you need a shower bench? If so, there are many different options available to choose from. The variety of products is from plastic benches that can be folded up and stored away to heavy-duty stainless steel. To help you narrow down your search for the perfect one, we have compiled an ultimate guide on what to look for in a bench and reviews of some of the best ones on the market today!

Anyone who wants to take a shower safer and more convenient for themselves or their loved ones may need a bench. Elderly, those with disabilities, pregnant women. The possibilities are endless! It’s also recommended that all members of your household have one if you’re unable to help someone else out of the tub if they can’t do it on their own.

Shower transfer bench models

Clevr teak folding shower seat

The Clevr Teak Folding Shower Seat is one of the best products on the market today. It’s durable and has a wide seat with high back support, accommodating most people without an issue.

It also comes in two colors: teak or bamboo – offering something for everyone! The downside? These benches are usually on the smaller side, making it difficult to shower inside the tub (due to their size).

They also can’t be folded up for portability purposes.

  • Durable construction (no worries about rust or corrosion)
  • Padded for comfort
  • Non-foldable design can make it difficult for someone who needs help getting onto/off.
Platinum Health® Carousel sliding shower transfer bench

The Platinum Health® Carousel Sliding Shower Transfer Bench is one of the best models for those who need assistance getting from sitting down/up onto a bench. It’s built with slanted sides that make it easy because they provide support all along their length – making them more accessible than ever before to get onto!

It also comes in three different colors: teak, mahogany, or white (to fit your decor). The downside? These benches are not as durable when compared to others on this list and maybe less comfortable.

  • Slanted sides make it easy to get onto/off of them – even for those with weak arms or hands.
  • Not as durable when compared to others on this list
OasisSpace heavy duty shower chair with back

The OasisSpace Heavy Duty Shower Chair with Back is one of the best shower chairs on the market. It’s sturdy and accommodates most weights without issue (making it a great purchase).

It also has high back support, making it comfortable for those who need more stability when transferring from sitting down/up to standing up inside the tub or vice versa. The downside? These benches don’t have wheels, making them difficult for someone who needs assistance getting onto/off of them – as they’re not collapsible either!

Also about this can be said that they’re not collapsible.

  • Sturdy construction – no worries about corrosion or rust!
  • Padded for comfort and to keep the back dry
  • No wheels make it difficult for someone who needs assistance getting onto/off of them.
NOVA medical bath seat with arms

The Nova Medical Bath Seat with Arms is one of the best models out there. It’s made from heavy-duty aluminum and has a wide seat which accommodates most people without an issue.

It also comes with wheels that make it easy for someone to move around, even when they’re not in the tub. This can come in handy if someone needs all fours during their bath (to be more comfortable). The downside? These benches are often heavier, making them difficult to use for those who need assistance getting onto them or off of them.

  • Heavy-duty aluminum construction
  • Large seat with high back support
  • Wheels can be challenging to use if someone needs assistance getting onto/off of them
Medline heavy duty shower stool

This transfer bench is sturdy and made of stainless steel. The seat height adjusts from 17 inches to 22 inches, making it very easy for most people to use. It has a removable slip-resistant mat that you can remove for cleaning or as needed. This works well in any shower stall because it does not require plumbing installation, and the feet are non-skid.

The only real downside about this product is how heavy it weighs; at 26 pounds, it’s fairly tricky to handle if your mobility is limited due to injury or disability. If you need help installing this unit, make sure you have someone else available who won’t mind carrying the weight around with them while they’re helping out! That’s why our best shower transfer bench is perfect for you.

This design features three legs instead of four because fewer points mean fewer chances something will snag on them or get caught up during installation. Easily lockable wheels make this product easy to move around as needed while still locking into place once you’ve found the perfect spot.

The two significant benefits of this transfer bench are its weight capacity and easy installation, which makes it an excellent choice for anyone who needs a little or a lot of help when they’re getting out of bed each day!

  • Lightweight
  • Easy to assemble without tools
  • Lockable wheels for transport and stability
  • None! This is the best shower transfer bench
Drive medical premium series shower chair with back and arms

This shower chair is designed to provide a stable seat for people with limited mobility. It has no arms, but it does have backrests that can be raised and lowered as needed. These features make this an excellent choice if you need something light and portable while still accommodating multiple users in the same shower space at once.

The Drive Medical Premium Series Shower Chair comes with four leg notches that allow height adjustment so that it will work well in most bathtubs or showers without any modifications necessary on either side. The feet are rubberized and non-slip, so they won’t slip across wet floors, making them safer overall than other brands who use plastic or metal legs instead of these more sure footing.

The backrests are not adjustable in height, but they move up and down to accommodate people of different sizes. The arms on this model here are not removable; however, the chair itself is very lightweight, so it can be moved by almost anyone if necessary for any reason. For a more customized experience, there is also an “accessory pouch,” which you may purchase separately that includes two armrests with four colors and six patterns available at checkout for an additional fee.

  • Lightweight and portable
  • No need for modifications to shower or bathtub
  • Four height settings are available without any additional work on either side
  • Backrests are not adjustable in height, but they can be raised as necessary; arms cannot be removed.

How to choose a shower transfer bench

A good shower transfer bench should have a few key features. These include:

  • Adjustable Height
  • Wheels for easy mobility and to prevent it from getting stuck on the floor or in corners when moving around your bathroom, as well as for ease of use
  • A handrail that is sturdy enough to support the weight without breaking but can be easily folded out of the way if you don’t need it right now – some benches also come with handles attached, which make them easier to carry or toss into storage when not needed
  • Rubber feet so that it stays securely against the ground at all times (if you want one with wheels, double-check they are rubber and not plastic)

Flexibility and adaptability

One of the best things about a shower bench is its flexibility. They can be used in different ways, and people with disabilities will find many more opportunities to bathe than without one.

  • If you are using it for bathing, there should be an elevated surface that acts as a seat. This ensures your hips are higher than your legs (so they don’t have to bend over) when sitting down on it.
  • To transfer from standing up or from another chair/bed into the tub, some benches come equipped with handles to help pull yourself up onto them, while others offer slanted surfaces for easier access.
  • Handles on the sides of a bench are also helpful for those who have limited mobility in their hands or arms, and they can be used to help lift yourself out when you’ve finished bathing.

Ease of use

The best shower transfer bench will be convenient and easy to use. This means that it should:

Be lightweight enough for individuals to carry with ease

  • Not take up too much space in the bathroom, as well – whether this is a foldable design or wheels like on some models of benches, both are great options because they can be stored away when not needed
  • Come equipped with rubberized feet, so it doesn’t slide around while you’re using them (this also helps prevent slips and falls)
  • Have handles attached if possible or have an open end that makes them easier to pull yourself out from inside the tub.

Rubber feet and handles

What makes for a good shower transfer bench? The fact that it has rubber feet and handles. Rubber is important because it prevents the bathtub from slipping out of place on slippery surfaces and makes sure you don’t lose your balance while getting in or out of the tub.

Handles are also essential to have – whether they’re attached to the side of the bench or built into its design so you can pull yourself up onto them if needed. These make pulling oneself up without assistance much easier. In addition, having one at each end helps prevent slips and falls (by providing a handhold) when transferring back and forth between sitting down/standing up inside the tub, depending on what needs doing at any given moment.

Height adjustment

Height adjustment is an important feature to have in the best shower transfer bench. When someone’s height doesn’t correspond with the standard heights of benches, it can be difficult or impossible for them to use one – which leaves a massive opportunity for discomfort and frustration!

The most common length for best bathtub transfer benches is 20 inches tall, but they can go as high as 29 inches if that suits you better.

Some models come with adjustable shelves where you can place your legs while sitting down, so they don’t hang off (this also helps prevent falls) without compromising their comfort level. The shelf should adjust from 12-27″ deep at its lowest point – meaning there will always be something accessible no matter what stage of life we’re in.

Cushioned vs. not cushioned

Cushioned:  Cushioned benches offer a higher level of comfort, which is excellent for those who have arthritis or other mobility issues.

Non-Cushioned: Non-cushion benches are lighter in weight and take up less space (which can be advantageous depending on your needs), but they don’t provide the same degree of support as cushioned models.

Cushioning is important! It provides support while sitting, which can be helpful for people with mobility issues like arthritis. The downside, though, is that these benches take up more space than non cushion models.

Sliding or stationary seat

Best shower transfer benches come with either a stationary or sliding seat. A sliding seat is more advantageous for those who have difficulty using their hands because it significantly lowers the risk of injury (especially if you’re getting in and out of the bathtub).

A stationary bench means that your legs will need to be as close to your hips to sit comfortably on them without bending over, which can pressure some people’s knees.

Sliding seats are also beneficial when transferring from sitting down/standing up inside the tub since they make it easier for an individual to get onto and off by providing a wider surface area. Not only does this increased stability, but again, make sure not to hurt oneself while changing positions!

  • Slide seats are great because they allow someone who has difficulty using their hands or those without good balance to sit down more quickly.
  • Stationary benches are suitable for those who have no trouble with their hands and balance.

The best shower transfer bench is the one that matches your needs – even if you need to get a few different models to suit all of them!

Shower transfer bench types

The type of shower chair you need will depend on your personal needs. For instance, the best bathtub transfer bench for someone with arthritis will be different from what’s required by a person with disabilities – or even one recovering from surgery!

Many factors go into deciding this – so make sure to keep them in mind while browsing and selecting which model suits you best!

  • The type of mobility issues/injuries involved can determine if it’ll be slanted or not (because some people have difficulty getting themselves onto something high). Slant models also prevent slips and falls when transferring out as they offer more stability than non-slanting ones.
  • If an individual still has full use of their hands but doesn’t have good balance, they may be a candidate for the best shower chair with a handle.
  • If you’re recovering from surgery, you’ll want to avoid models that are too high.

There is no “best” type – it all comes down to your needs and how accommodating the model is! To figure out which one will work best for you, think about mobility issues or recovery time post-surgery. What’s suitable for someone in this situation might not be appropriate for another person with different limitations (and vice versa).

Basic adjustable shower transfer benches

If you’re looking for an essential shower bench without any fancy features, the best adjustable chair is going to be the one that’s right for you. These models are simple and provide what many people need to sit comfortably during their bath – but at a lower cost.

These benches usually have two settings: upright (which has more back support) or slanted (to make it easier getting on/off). They also often come with handles that can help someone who still has mobility issues get onto them quickly and safely – improving stability while transferring in and out of the tub. [link text]

  • If an individual doesn’t have much balance left after surgery or other injuries, they may want a model that offers more back support.
  • If someone is recovering from surgery, they should avoid models that have a higher elevation to keep their head lower than heart level – this can lead to dizziness and increased blood pressure.

Portable shower transfer bench for travel

If you’re looking for a travel shower bench, the best model will be one that has wheels and can easily fold. This will allow them to be stored in their carrying bag – making it easier than ever before!

These benches are often lightweight and have easy-to-use hand grips on either side.

  • Wheel models offer excellent mobility: they’ll roll over any slick surfaces with ease while also being compact enough for portability purposes. They may not work as well if an individual needs more stability when transferring out of the tub (as there’s no back support).
  • Foldable models make storage much more straightforward, but they may not provide adequate balance or stability during transfers from sitting down/standing up inside the tub.

Larger shower transfer benches for heavier people

If you’re on the larger side, it’s vital to get a sturdy model and can accommodate your weight. These models are often heavier than other types of benches – to support someone who weighs more.

These models have also been more comfortable for individuals with arthritis or severe leg injuries because they offer good back support when sitting down (which many people need).

  • Larger models may not work well if an individual has weaker arms/hands, as transferring out of the tub might prove difficult due to their size.
  • Slanted versions don’t typically come under this category: they will usually fit most weights without issue.

Padded shower transfer benches

If you’re looking for a padded bench, the best type is going to have foam padding. These benches are often made of fabric and offer support while also being comfortable at the same time.

  • Non-padded models can hurt someone’s back or thighs if they have injuries in these areas – causing added pain during transfers from sitting down/standing up inside the tub.
  • Padded versions usually come with handles which make it easier than ever before to get onto them without slipping (or falling). They may not work well if an individual needs more stability when transferring out due to their size, as there’s no back support.



What makes the best shower transfer bench safe?

What makes the best shower transfer bench safe? To make sure your loved one is always safe, you need to find a stable product. The company should provide stability as well as extra handholds on both sides of the device. It also has safety straps and stirrups for support while transferring into or out of it. Stability can be ensured with stabilizing bars at either end, which will prevent slippage from occurring during use. You can tell if the bench won’t slip by checking how far apart these two pieces are- any less than 18 inches means things could go awry reasonably quickly! If you want an even more secure solution, look for a design with rubber feet that offer additional grip on slippery surfaces.

This is where things get a little more technical: the bench should be wide enough for both you and your loved one to sit comfortably next to each other without feeling cramped or squeezed together. The distance between opposite armrests from front-to-back should be no less than 20 inches, while the space provided by the width of the seat needs to measure at least 12″ in all directions (including up). This will ensure that there’s plenty of room for movement during use. You may also want to consider height if it’s an issue – some benches are explicitly designed with shorter individuals in mind! Finally, don’t forget about weight limits – even though most products on today’s market can handle weights well above the usual boundaries, it’s essential to do your research and find a product that can accommodate the needs of both you and whomever you are assisting.

How much space do you have in your bath, and will the shower chair fit in?

It’s essential to measure this before purchasing a product! If there isn’t enough room, look for something with collapsible legs that are easy to tuck away. Talk to friends or family members who live nearby- many people keep theirs downstairs during winter months, so it takes up less space but can be brought upstairs when needed (many companies offer these options).

A good rule of thumb for knowing whether it will fit is to measure the space taken up by the bench from one end-to-end. If you can’t find a product that works, consider getting something similar to this type which comes in different sizes or shapes – some are even explicitly designed with a bathtub in mind!

Another thing to consider is how often it will be used and what kind of mobility assistance your loved one needs. For example, if they only need help occasionally but there’s enough room where they live, then stairs may not be an issue (make sure it has rubber feet!). This means that a smaller model will suffice since these usually come at less than half the weight limit of a larger one.

Finally, if you’re looking for something easy to store and take around with you, then look at folding models which collapse into themselves and can be easily carried in the trunk of your car or taken along on vacations! These are perfect for those who don’t live alone, so they have someone to help them get up and down when needed. They also come in many different shapes and sizes to make carrying easier – some even fold down completely flat to fit nicely inside any closet space without taking up much room.

Does a shower chair come pre assembled or not?

If you’re not interested in assembling and disassembling it, then look for something with a quick-release design so that the bench can be folded away to size. Some even come with a carrying bag or strap, making transporting them much easier (but still check weight limits before making your purchase).

There are many different models on the market today – some of these come preassembled while others require assembly upon arrival. If you know someone handy at putting things together, this won’t be an issue; but if not, there’s no need to worry! Instructions should include pictures and text instructions written out step-by-step, so they’ll be easy enough for anyone to follow along without any trouble whatsoever.

Does private insurance typically pay for tub benches?

If it’s a medically necessary item (for those with limited mobility), they will usually cover the cost. But if not, you’ll need to ask your insurer first before making any decisions – some may offer lower rates for certain products while others don’t and still charge the total price!

It’s important that you and whomever you are assisting know what is covered by insurance to determine whether or not it can be used. It doesn’t hurt to call ahead of time so that there won’t be any surprises when checking out at checkout, but if someone else needs assistance using them, this also provides an opportunity for them to do their research.


If you’re a caregiver for an aging loved one, then you know how difficult it can be to help them take care of themselves. It’s tough when they live alone and need assistance with showering or bathing. That’s why we created Shower Transfer Benches-a unique product that provides support while the client is standing up in the bathtub, so caregivers don’t have to worry about their safety. At first glance, this bench looks like just another piece of bathroom furniture; but beyond its appearance is a sturdy structure designed specifically for supporting clients as they stand on either side of the tub during their daily routine.