Mobility devices like rollators are designed to help people with disabilities and the elderly regain their independence. These lightweight rollators are becoming increasingly more popular than stationary walkers, canes, and crutches.
A rollator is essentially a device with the fixed frame of a walker that is set on two to four caster wheels. It is designed to be stable and easy for users to move around on all types of terrain. A rollator typically will have handle heights that can be adjusted so the user does not have to hunch or bend over to use it.
These unique lightweight folding walkers also come with padded seats that can be lowered and raised as needed to give users a convenient and ready place to sit. The typical compact walker can withstand weights up to 300 pounds. Under the seat of the rollator is usually a basket where users can store their items like their purses, canes, or other belongings that they cannot carry with them while they are using the device.
Most of these devices are crafted from sturdy yet lightweight materials that allow them to be easily folded and stored in car trunks, closets, or elsewhere whenever they are not being used. The frames are often finished in bright colors like blue and red to make the rollators more stylish and visually appealing. Most of these rolling walkers also have handbrakes on the handles for stability and safety.
The typical rollator weighs around 18 to 21 pounds and does not require tools to assemble. The frames can be easily snapped together or locked into place. Even the most fragile of users can typically put together one of these devices quickly and easily. The caster wheels on these devices also measure anywhere from six to eight inches in diameter. They can usually be rolled across all types of terrain and are built for both indoor and outdoor use.
Best Lightweight Rollators
The Hugo Sidekick is a rollator that is collapsible with a single pull of the seat strap. This rollator easily fits in the trunks of most cars and has a seat with a sling for support. It is built from durable aluminum and has an extra wide seat upon which users can rest while out in public. It weighs 21 pounds and can be put together without the need for any hand tools.
The Drive Medical Four Wheel rollator comes with brakes on its adjustable handles. The handles are ridged so users can grab onto them easily. The walker also comes with a seat that can be adjusted for the user’s height so the person does not have to climb or stoop down to sit on it. The front bar of the seat doubles as a backrest. It comes with a basket under the seat where users can put their personal belongings. The device weighs 21 pounds.
The Nova Products Zoom rollator is designed for the comfort of its user. It can be adjusted to accommodate the weight and size of the owner. It also has locking hand brakes for stable and secure use wherever the person chooses to travel. The tires on this rollator are extra wide, making the device ideal for walking down inclines. It is one of the more lightweight devices, weighing 18 pounds.
The Healthsmart Euro Style rollator weighs 19 pounds and comes with its own large storage tote under the seat. It has oversize wheels for steady and safe movement both inside and outside. It also has handles that can be adjusted to the height of the user as well as a compartment for the user’s cane.
The Hugo Elite rollator is an easy-to-manage device that can accommodate up to 300 pounds of weight. It has nine-inch wheels and a strong metal frame. It also has a removable accessories bag as well as a seat that can be raised or lowered as needed to suit the user’s height. This device weighs 20 pounds.
How to Choose a Lightweight Rollator
Before you select a rollator for you or a loved one, you may want to keep some important criteria in mind. For example, you may want one that is easy to fold up and store and take with you in the trunk of your car. You also may want one that can be collapsed and folded with the pull of a strap or touch of a button on one side. This design feature is especially ideal for people who have limited use in one or both hands.
Next, you may want to look at rollators that are made from strong materials like stainless steel or metal that cannot bend or break whenever someone sits or leans on them. It may need to accommodate an extraordinary amount of weight without compromising the safety or wellness of the person using it. It also should wear well and not break after repeated use and folding and unfolding for the user.
Another important consideration that you may want to keep in mind is the convenience and quality of the rollator’s seat. These devices are intended to give users a quick and easy place to sit whenever there is no available seating or they are waiting in line at a store or restaurant. You may want a rollator with a thick seat pad that is wide and comfortable.
Finally, you may want a rollator that has ample storage for the user’s belongings. Many rollator users find it difficult to carry a purse or bag with them while they are walking with their devices. They need a basket or zip locked compartment in front of the seat or attached to the handle bar where they can keep their belongings safe and accessible.
This information can assist you in your search for the ideal rollator to buy for you or a loved one. Some of the best models come with features that help users regain their independence and ability to move around out in public. They also can use their devices without fear of falling or tripping thanks to safety features like handlebar brakes.