We all know that the elderly are more at risk of falling out of bed. But, what is it about their condition that makes them so susceptible to this? What can you do to prevent falls or cause a fall less severe? How much should you worry if your loved one falls out of bed once in a while? And finally, how do you help an elderly who has fallen on the floor but cannot get up by themselves? This article has answers to these questions and many more!

Why Do the Elderly Fall Out of Bed?

The most common reasons for elderly to fall out of bed are as follows:

  • Lack of sleep or rest leaves the person feeling tired and less able to keep themselves steady on their feet.
  • The individual might have fallen asleep in a sitting position, which means they may not realize that it is time to get up until they are too tired to get out of bed.
  • Weakness in the upper body or general frailty may mean that a simple bump into the side of the bed could push them over.
  • Age is an unavoidable factor – as we all grow older, our reactions slow, and coordination deteriorates.
  • Lack of mobility due to arthritis or other conditions can lead to falls because it becomes harder for this group to move their bodies away from something that might cause them harm (such as sitting on the edge of a chair).Unexpected events such as pain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness can also result in falling out of bed. These are not common causes but should be taken seriously if they happen more than once.
  • Some individuals may have dementia, which can cause them to forget that they are in bed and attempt to get up from a sitting position too quickly – leading to falls out of bed.
  • If an elderly has mobility issues or is not able to use their hands effectively (such as those with arthritis), it is possible for them to inadvertently pull on the blanket while getting into bed and fall onto the floor when gravity causes the mattress surface below them to shift downwards and away from where they were standing before pulling the blanket down with them. This phenomenon should be avoided by using a frame around your bed frame so that you can’t get access underneath it without moving furniture first.
Balance Issues

Some individuals may have difficulty with their balance, which can lead to falls. This is more common in the elderly or those recovering from a stroke and might not even realize they have balance issues at first. However, it’s important to mention that it becomes difficult for this group of people to compensate for changes in body position when sleeping – leading them to lose stability if they roll towards one side while asleep on their back (which happens most often) or vice versa.

To avoid falls, an individual with balance difficulties mustn’t sleep on their back. Sleeping in the side or stomach position might be a better option, so they’ll have more chance to react if their body starts listing towards one side of the bed.

If your loved one has balance issues and you’re worried about them falling out of bed while asleep, consider making some adjustments such as installing handrails next to the edge of where they will be sleeping – this can help provide stability for when they roll over in their sleep.

Rolling Out of Bed

If a person rolls over and falls out of bed, it’s essential to take precautions, so this doesn’t happen again. The individual may move towards the side or edge too quickly because they are sleepy when they lie in bed – making them less aware that their body is getting close to the edge.

The best way for an older person who has fallen onto the carpeted floor from rolling off of the mattress while asleep is to place something around your edges which prevents you from sinking further than waist height if you lose consciousness (or even if not) such as placing a decorative rug on each corner next to where your head, feet, and hands would be touching should you fall. If you have mobility issues,, you can likely use other things to prevent this from happening again, such as a balance bar or the bed frame mentioned earlier.

If you have mobility problems that make it difficult for you to get up off of the floor, consider placing something like an outdoor mat down by your mattress before getting comfortable so that if you do fall out of bed and are unable to break your fall, they’ll be less chance that there will be damage done when hitting the ground since anything but carpeted floors should provide enough padding.

Confusion or Disorientation

If an older person falls out of bed multiple times, they may be experiencing more severe symptomsthan just a simple lack of balance. In some cases, the individual might have dementia or other conditions which cause them to become confused and disoriented – making it harder for them to recognize when they’re in bed.

An excellent way to tell if confusion is causing someone’s falls from being able to identify when they are in bed is by placing their nightstand next to the edge on one side so that should you roll off the mattress while asleep, you’ll still be close enough without any chance of falling into another room where there could potentially be dangers such as pets or children who might not know about your condition and come running to you if they hear noise.

In cases where there’s already been too many falls as well as confusion which makes it difficult for an individual to recognize place themselves during sleep, another idea would be to use some alarm system with sensors on either side of their bed such as those which emit a sound should something touch them so that you’ll still be able not only identify correctly whether you’re in bed or not but also prevent any accidents.

How To Keep Elderly From Falling Out Of Bed

There are many ways to prevent the elderly from falling out of bed.

First, let’s look at what can be installed on and near the bed to avoid falling.

Bed Rails For Seniors

A bed rail is an excellent way to prevent seniors from rolling out of bed or reduce the chances.

Some rails can be installed on either side of a twin-sized bed and work in two directions for maximum safety.

If you have a king-size mattress, there are longer trails available that provide more coverage for both sides and the headboard area. Some caregivers prefer this type because it offers complete protection, while others may not like seeing their loved ones when sitting close by.

There are also different kinds of materials used to make them, such as metal, PVC pipes, wood, and fabric, so if your senior has any allergies or sensitivities, it’s easy enough to find one that will suit your needs.

Bed rails are available in different heights, and they should extend to the top of the mattress, but some caregivers have found that using a pillow or two for extra height is helpful for their loved one’s safety. Some seniors may need assistance getting into bed with these installed, so it’s essential to make sure someone is always around once they’re in there just in case anything happens while sleeping.

  • Long-term solution
  • Helps seniors get in and out of bed with ease
  • Expensive to buy (especially for a king size)
  • Seniors may need assistance getting into bed when installed.  


Platform or Low Beds

Some seniors may prefer to sleep on a low bed or even be confined to one.

Platform beds are specifically designed for this situation and can come in various sizes like twin, queen, and king, depending on what you need. The great thing about these is that they’re usually lower than regular ones, so getting up won’t be as complex or dangerous.

Low beds also have their benefits, such as providing increased space since the frame will not take up floor room below it, unlike traditional high-rises, which leave less space, if any at all, for walking around freely.

Another benefit to them is because there’s no headboard, you don’t run the risk of hitting your head against it while exiting the bed either. This might sound appealing, but it’s important to mention that this setup may not work for everyone and if you’re still on the fence about it, consider how much assistance your loved one needs.

If they can independently get in and out of bed,, then a low or platform frame might be perfect, but a regular height is probably best if they need help getting up and down (for safety reasons),.

The choice will ultimately depend on what type of person you’re caring for – so make sure to consider any disabilities or other factors before making any decisions.

  • A bed rail provides maximum safety in two directions.
  • It’s easier to get up and down from a low or platform frame because there is no headboard area.
  • Available in various heights to fit various needs.
  • For some seniors, getting up and down can be difficult


Floor Fall Mats

A floor mat is a great way to minimize the chances of falling out for those who are confined to their bed and have no other alternative. They can be placed on any surface from carpeting, hardwood, or even tile floors without having to worry about anything slipping away underneath them.

These mats come in various sizes (usually rectangular) so make sure you get the right size depending on your needs – there’s nothing worse than being too short when trying to break a fall!

If you’re worried about losing grip, these may also help with that because they usually have ridges all over, which provide extra traction and keep people from sliding around on wet surfaces since it prevents slippage due to how water gathers near footprints.

Some seniors may find the noise from these mats irritating, but it’s an easy fix – place a rug or blanket over them, and voila! You’ll feel like you’re laying on top of clouds…or at least something that feels soft anyway. Another downside is that they can get pretty hot during the summer months since some are made with PVC pipes thatthat retain heat due to their insulating properties, so keep those in mind before purchasing one for your loved one (if needed).

  • provides additional traction for seniors
  • helps prevent falls on slippery surfaces
  • can be noisy and hot during the summer months


Bedside Wedges, Rolls and Bolsters

Bedside wedges, rolls, and bolsters are perfect for those who can’t seem to get comfortable in bed. If they’re not satisfied with just lying down or propping themselves up on pillows, these items will work wonders!

The main thing about them is that you only need one hand (literally) to use them, which is great if your loved one has some mobility limitations – it’s the little things sometimes. They range from $20-$50 depending on what types of materials they’re made out of. Still, they’ll make a world of difference when trying to find comfort at night time or during naptime since their primary purpose is to help reduce strain while sleeping so your senior doesn’t wake up feeling sore after a long day.

There are various types for everyone – some can be used to help support the back, others work as an arm or leg rest, and there’s even those that provide additional lumbar support! The best part is they’re easy on the eye, too, so if you have any visitors coming by, it’ll make them feel welcome without being intrusive, which is always friendly when trying to unload their burdens (at least temporarily).

  • Easy for seniors with mobility limitations to using.
  • Available in various styles ranging from wedges, rolls, and bolsters, providing maximum comfort during sleep. Some also offer added benefits like helping reduce pain in certain regions, such as your lower back, due to its extra support.
  • Can be expensive depending on the type of bedside wedge, roll or bolster your purchase.


How else can you help the elderly stay in bed?

Here are some things to remember before placing additional items on or near the bed.

Use a Bed with the Right Height

The height of the bed is crucial when trying to maintain optimal posture and prevent falls. A low-lying bed may make it difficult for seniors with mobility limitations to get in or out.

Your loved one must have enough space by their feet so they can comfortably move around without fear of falling over – try not to disturb them too much if you have any questions because this will only add stress on top of all the other things they’re going through which isn’t suitable for anyone!

But sometimes, no matter how high a bed is, people still feel uncomfortable,, so it might be best to geta new mattress instead since these are usually more expensive than wost people think (especially those wooking for cheaper options).

Remove Obstacles Around the Bed and Install Proper Night Lights

Make sure the space around your loved one’s bed is clear of any potential hazards such as loose cords, plants, or other objects that could cause injury. Install night lights to reduce falls since many seniors find it difficult navigating in darkness, so they’re more likely to fall over something if there isn’t enough light!

Some people also like keeping a small rug next to them for when their feet start getting cold which can be an issue during winter months since circulation diminishes. This area becomes vulnerable – keep these things in mind before acquiring anything, please.

Position the Bed Accordingly

Please make sure the bed is positioned in such a way that it’s easy to get up and down without assistance. This will also help your loved ones maintain mobility as they age – you want them to feel independent for as long as possible!

It should be close enough to where their favorite chair or recliner is so there isn’t too much walking involved when switching between these spots – this can also make things go smoother if they’re having trouble with balance, coordination, or going from sitting to standing positions since most falls happen during transitions (elderly falling out of bed).

If possible, try not using any type of walker near the bed either because, again, it may impede safety but, more importantly, elder independence. If you cannot relocate the bed, make sure to keep it as clear of potential hazards as possible.

If you’re not sure about anything, ask, and we’ll be happy to help!

Avoid Extra Bedding

Extra bedding may not seem like a big deal, but it can harm your loved one’s independence and mobility. This is because extra bedding such as blankets, sheets, or even pillows may lead to falls when they’re trying to get in or out of bed (elderly falling out of bed).

Pets are also common culprits for this, so if you want them to stay, then make sure their leash/collar isn’t long enough that they’ll be able to jump up onto the side of the bed!

If all else fails, keep at least one blanket handy just in case there’s any inclement weather – seniors often experience colder temperatures due to less circulation, which means wearing more clothes during these times.

Develop Good Sleeping Patterns

A good sleep routine is crucial to maintaining optimal health as we age. The best way to do this would be by having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time every night – try not going over six hours without sleeping since it can lead to exhaustion, which may cause falls (elderly falling out of bed).

When trying for a regular nighttime schedule, you should also have them take breaks or naps during the daytime when they’re feeling drained so that things are more balanced!

If all else fails, make sure your loved one’s bedroom has enough light present at night because many seniors find it difficult navigating in darkness due to impaired vision, so they’re more likely to fall on their face if there isn’t enough light (elderly falling out of bed).

To ensure your loved one has a great night’s sleep, be sure they’re not eating anything too heavy before going to bed, and try using white noise or nature sounds for background noises. You can also purchase eye masks if they have trouble sleeping in the dark (again, due to impaired vision) since this will help them get some much-needed rest!

If you find that their appetite is starting to drop off, then it may be time for nutrition counseling, so talk with our staff about what can be done about this – there are many solutions, but we’ll need more information first, please.

The above tips should go a long way towards preventing falls, which can sometimes be devastating to the elderly.

However, it’s important to remember that no matter how hard you try, there are some things out of your control, so do what you can and know when to call for help!

Review Medication to Stop Nighttime Falls

If your loved one falls out of bed at night,, it could be due to medication they’re taking,, which affects their sleep. This is most common when someone gets prescribed a new type or dosage and not enough time was given for the body to adjust (elderly falling out of bed).

Your doctor should always be consulted before making any changes, but this article has some information on how you can go about doing that. However, sometimes there’s no need for an appointment because our staff is also happy to answer questions over the phone – call us anytime during business hours!

At times, we may find that certain medications have adverse effects in terms of causing disruption, so if these options seem ineffective, talk with your physician about what else may be out there.

Get Your Loved One’s Vision Checked Regularly

One factor that can be responsible for falls is impaired vision. Make sure to get your loved one’s eyesight checked regularly since it may not always seem like they need this (elderly falling out of bed).

If you feel there isn’t any problem, then try going outside or looking at pictures and see if they’re able to make anything out – if so, their vision seems fine but does talk with a doctor and arrange an appointment just in case!

We also have some information on how light affects our vision, which may help answer questions about the best typefor seniors who find things more difficult these days.

In addition, we provide tips on how to reduce glare in a bedroom and wear glasses at night to help those who are having trouble sleeping.

It’s also important to note that certain medications can affect the eye, so it’s a good idea to talk about any changes if they’re experiencing a worsening vision.

First aid someone that has fallen out of bed

If someone has fallen out of bed, it doesn’t matter if they’re young or old. There are certain first aids you should administer right away!

The most important one is to assess for injuries and bleed – any that exist need to be tended. This includes checking limbs for broken bones, which might not seem like a big deal but can lead to severe issues down the line, so don’t take chances.

Another thing worth noting is that older people may have trouble getting up on their property after experiencing this type of injury, so make sure to help them back onto the bed by lending support under both arms until they feel steady before letting go (elderly falling out of bed).

We also recommend staying nearby if they have trouble with balance for a few hours so that they’re not getting hurt again.

If you think the injury is severe, then contact emergency services and make sure to let them know about any other medical conditions your loved one has, too (elderly falling out of bed).

Here’s what to do if an elderly passes out after falling out of bed:

  • check their breathing – if it’s slow or not there, then call emergency services and make sure to tell them about any other medical conditions they have.
  • gently shake the person awake, mentioning that you’re trying to wake them up, and reassure them afterward for a few minutes before calling emergency services so they don’t panic over being shaken because sometimes people with dementia can be confused after waking up from fainting.


How do I know if a fall from the bed is serious enough for medical attention?
  • Check for bleeding and look at the area of impact – if there is bruising, swelling, or any other medical condition that has worsened, then call emergency services
  • If they’re able to usually talk without difficulty but experiencing pain from a fall out of bed, then make sure to stay with them nearby if they have trouble again.
  • However, if you find yourself unable to wake them up after shaking, gently tell them about your concern before calling 911 so they don’t panic over being shaken awake because sometimes people with dementia can be confused later on when waking up from fainting (elderly falling out of bed).

It doesn’t matter how old someone is – falls out of beds are severe enough for some attention!

Is falling out of bed a sign of dementia?

Falling out of bed can be a sign of dementia. If you notice that someone suffering from the illness has been falling out of bed more often than usual, it may indicate that they are becoming less aware and in need of assistance (elderly falling out). Speak to their doctor if this is the case so they can offer advice on how best to improve your loved one’s safety at home.

If there are any vision changes, then make sure to talk about them with your health care provider – these symptoms could be caused by side effects from certain medications or medical conditions which require attention before things get worse!

How to bring a person to consciousness after falling out of bed?
  • Be sure to check their breathing and pulse first before doing anything else.
  • Gently shake the person awake, mentioning that you’re trying to wake them up and reassure them afterward for a few minutes so they don’t panic over being shaken because sometimes people with dementia can be confused after waking up from fainting.
  • Never underestimate the importance of falls! There are many different risks, but some common causes have been listed below:
  • Slippery floors – this is very common and can happen to anyone!
  • Wet carpets from pets or the toilet may cause a person to slip.
  • Poor lighting in rooms, hallways, staircases, etc. If you notice that there’s sudden darkness when entering these locations, it might be because someone forgot to replace their light bulbs, so make sure they know about where all of them are and how high up some lights are placed (elderly falls).


Have you ever wondered why seniors fall out of bed? It could be for many reasons, but the most common is muscle loss and lack of mobility. If this sounds like your loved ones, it’s time for some preventative measures that will protect them from falling on their way home or in the middle of the night! One way to keep them safe at night is by installing grab bars near their beds so they can hang onto something as they get up or sit down. We also recommend placing an elevated mattress pad under their comforter if they have trouble getting into a sitting position after waking up during the night. You may want to add more lights around the house, too, since older people sometimes lose track.